E-Commerce — The Journal Collection


The Journal Collection 


The Wall Street Journal launched The Journal Collection, a pop-up e-commerce site selling luxurious, well-designed products targeted at WSJ readers and the ambitious crowd. 

Challenge: How do we get people to spend more money on (typically affordable) everyday products such as pens, notebooks and desk accessories?

The Creative Idea: Establish an aspirational brand voice that makes our target audience (entrepreneurs, creatives, and executives) feel they need these accessories to be successful at work and in business. I wrote The Journal Collection's print ads and emails sent out to WSJ subscribers regularly.

The results? Over 704, 000 WSJ readers signed up for the mailing list. Total sales for this pop up brought in over $200,000 with an average order value of $97.


Digital banner on WSJ.com


Holiday emails

2017 holiday email sent out to WSJ subscribers in an engaging content style — featuring the Journal Collection's most giftable products. This creative ad raked in at least $21,294 in sales for the month of December, making it the highest sales month.